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Wednesday 30 October 2013

Spike Milligan Tribute 1918 - 2002

This guy cracks me up...silly simple dry humour is great to put a smile on your face and get you laughing :) here is a little example of his work...

A Silly Poem

Said Hamlet to Ophelia, 
I'll draw a sketch of thee, 
What kind of pencil shall I use? 
2B or not 2B?

The Lion

If you're attacked by a Lion 
Find fresh underpants to try on 
Lay on the ground quite still 
Pretend you are very ill 
Keep like that day after day 
Perhaps the lion will go away 

Monday 28 October 2013

Laughing is infectious

I came across this Youtube clip and its fantastic.  I dare you to try and watch it and not laugh yourself.  Sometimes its other people laughing thats infectious.  If you want to make somebody happy laugh more and spread the infection ;) x enjoy

Click here to see just how infectious laughter can be x

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Silly Cow

Even animals see the funny side of life...this made me laugh this morning x have a fun day full of laughs guys

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Laughing Bag...Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa

Fantastic laughter yoga meditation tonight with a touch of nostalgia during conversation...the good old Laughing bag...loved this toy as a kid and had so may giggles when my dad brought this out.  Just pop onto youtube and search the vintage laughing bag :D

Wednesday 16 October 2013

To make you smile :)

Even when we are feeling a little hoars...its good to laugh ;)

Laughter is the best medicine

Whats life without laughter?

I never hide the fact that I am a stress head.  Its very easy to let the everyday stuff get you down, and lets just say after being told I have fibromyalgia I began searching for ways to try and make things better.  For me a build up of stress = pain pain and more pain.  Yes on the outside its invisible to the eye but I do not go a day without some kind of pain going on.  My dad who died of a heart attack when he was only 62 due to stress I believe also suffered from Fibromyalgia but in those days it was misdiagnosed and I saw him go down hill and get more depressed as each day passed.  After searching and reading about Fibromyalgia it all came down to the same conclusion for most people that a stressful event or situation in life may have triggered it.

One day I was browsing around facebook when I noticed an advert for meditation.  I decided to give it a try to see what it was about.  This is where my search for alternative ways to make my life more enjoyable began.  I have met a lovely lady called Maria who also encouraged me to try laughter yoga.  I did feel a little bit strange at first but this blog will take you through my journey to use laughter as a medicine.  Thanks for reading :)