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Thursday 30 January 2014

today was another testing day but I will not be defeated 😴😴

Ok so again I found it hard to get out of bed and missed my 7 o clock laughter call I was determined to get some laughter in before work...searching on youtube I came across loads of people all over the world doing the laughter yoga...what a find :) just joining in whilst watching them makes you chuckle and laugh hahaha...check it out so funny.

Tonight I did some of the breathing exercises and most I can do but one not so well.  I think its my wonky nose :@) because when I try to breath in through my left nostril I gasp...hmmm...anyway practise makes perfect just need to build this one.

Omming going ok too.  Just need to download some music from itunes now :) I do find this very relaxing and a great end to my day and good stress buster.

Thanks for reading and keep laughing xxx

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Yoga Breathing Omming and my Precious Stones :) lovely end to my day

After another typical stressful day a lack of sleep and and facial nerve pain I was not in a great place...I did my laughter this morning so it might have been even worse for me had I not.  After work my next lesson with Maria was about breathing and after mastering various techniques and breathng exercises I found myself relaxing and it actually felt as though the stress I was carrying was just melting...lovely stuff...yey yet another tool for my little stress tool box along with the four little gem stones for my pocket x

This is an example of one of my stones...a Peacock Ore.  Cant stop looking at this so pretty :) just read about it on the internet and here is an example of its therapeutic properties:  To assist you in shifting your inner Self, aligning your thoughts and emotions in a very soothing, calming way.

I then did omming...its great and I actually felt like I was in a trance tonight to the background music and the himalayan salt lamp.  I am sure I could see the outline of a cats face in the lamp lol...Maria stare at your lamp and you will see it :) hehe

All in all a lovely end to my day and also a little chat on the way out about my future career options x

ommmmmmmmmmm :) and sleep time

Sunday 26 January 2014

Laughter yoga practice and giddy labrador dog


Had a great skype session with my lovely Maria on Friday and have given myself a kick to ensure I do my laughter each day.  You see the last few days I have dipped and felt lower than usual.  I think the fibromyalgia combined with working in pain and general January Blues are lurking, hence the need to keep going with the daily laughter yoga.

I decided to have a little fun in the kitchen doing my ho ho ha ha and clapping whilst the dog just wagged and excitedly run around my legs.  Well all was going well so I decided to do some lion faces  at him...this got his a little bit too excited...resulting in a wee all over the floor :/ oops .... maybe Merlin my Labrador needs tena for dogs :D

Well family time now and a trip to snozone with Alex for his first ever ski experience to help him prepare for skiing at easter x feeling a bit more positive today x

Keeping smiling and laughing x


Monday 20 January 2014

Joy can come from doing something we enjoy ?

Been a very very very busy weekend indeed fixing a leaking shower or should I say demolishing it with a hammer (raises eyebrow at husband)...well not blogged so thought I better pop a few words on here.  I have been a little naughty because I did not get out of bed to do my laughter call session this morning oops but soon made up for it by laughing at my son and his confusion over the character on the film A nightmare on Elm Street, and Edward scissor hands...he came in to kitchen and asked if the character from nightmare on elm street was called Freddy scissor hands...don't know why but I creased up and so did he...I know...I had to be there :)

Anyway...I have also been making cards and crafty things again...I use to get so much joy out of this years ago so went into the Range and bought some things to get me I have an obsession and have burnt tea twice oops x

Here are a couple of my pictures to show you what I have been up to :)

Happiness and laughter and joy comes from doing lots of happy things for oneself xx

Friday 17 January 2014

fibromyalgia sucks...all the more reason to keep smiling

Aaaaahhhhhh not so funny this morning but all the more reason for my blog and mission to keep smiling...fibromyalgia kicked in AGAIN....head hurts sores n mouth and I cant even brush my hair properly because of the pain in my scalp.  Just anther reason to keep the laughter yoga and meditation  up so it does not take too much hold.

An exercise I was taught is to laugh at the the face of lots of it today.

Hugs and stuff

Amanda xx

Thursday 16 January 2014

Happiness and Joy :)

Lesson 4 The difference between Happiness and Joy :)

Great evening with Maria tonight where we sang danced played games and had fun.  What a tonic this was :) never thought rewriting the words to IF YOUR HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT could make you laugh...well the version we created did ;)

I want you to imagine the song and now sing it as follows....

Ho ho ha ha ha ha he he ho he ho (If your happy and you know it clap your hands)
Ho ho ha ha ha ha he he ho he ho (If your happy and you know it clap your hands)
Ho ho he he he he ho ho he he he he ha ha ho ho he he ha ha ha ha he he ho he ho (if your happy and you know it and you really want to show it if your happy and you know it clap your hands)

I bet you can,t help but laugh doing this ;)

Feeling better for having a bit of fun after the work blues x

Speak Soon xx hugs n giggles xx Amanda

Sunday 12 January 2014

Happy Birthday Alex

Love my big guy so much...15 today where does time go x

a dip in mood, tears and testing

Hi all...been off work all week and I guess reality is kicking in that my lovely week is about to end.  Last night I hit a low and had a few tears after hearing Something regarding work which to any normal person would just make them annoyed or a little anxious but oh no I have a major wobble get upset and cry!!! whats all that about???...........
I guess it shows I have issues with some aspects of my life which need addressing.  Guess you are wondering why post this on the laughter blogg? Well I guess it shows why its important that I adopt and grab hold of the techniques I have learnt to deal with my demons because I have realised how delicate I can be.
Normally I would dwell and the low would last a while but its my boys 15th birthday so its going to be a fun day today hence the wake up he received from crazy mum and dad.  I am not going to let things spoil our day xxxxxx

Friday 10 January 2014

Great me time week and got my positive pants back on

Last day of my week off, and I am very proud of myself to be including more ME time!

Each morning I started with my ten minutes laughter yoga, gentle exercise on Wii Fit and some gentle Pilate's stretches followed by a nice warm bath to get me going for the day...bliss :)

My hips are not as stiff....RESULT

This morning I did the same but it was followed by a lovely get together with my laughter coach Maria to go through things and plan for the next four weeks.  Even managed to talk myself into a dance class hahaha with my hips hmmmmmm watch this space.

To Sum up feeling like I am wearing positive pants, eating healthy, not drinking, starting to do gentle exercise and feel like its a good start to 2014

Yey Happy Happy Amanda

Monday 6 January 2014

Laughing for Health

I have been in lots of pain on and off over the past few months which is just one of the reasons I decided to try out this laughter Yoga with the lovely Maria.  I have been doing a little googling and came across an article in the New York Times which describes really well why I am doing what I am doing and the benefits.

Well worth a read guys and it might encourage more laughing if you do.

It starts...Laughter is regularly promoted as a source of health and well being, but it has been hard to pin down exactly why laughing until it hurts feels so good.  The answer,   reports Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist at Oxford, is not the intellectual pleasure of cerebral humor, but the physical act of laughing. The simple muscular exertions involved in producing the familiar ha, ha, ha, he said, trigger an increase in endorphins, the brain chemicals known for their feel-good...Click here for the full report :)

New York Times On Laughter

Sunday 5 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.  I have not blogged for a while :) oops for a few reasons...been busy busy putting into practice my playfulness with some fantastic friends and boy have we laughed :) and also had yet another bout of WOman flu :( which has put me back a little bit in the breathing and laughing thing because basically I could hardly breath.

But its a fresh start and I have renewed my subscription to my laughing conference daily call,   I have also become a dryathlete and have started eating better.  I think good health comes from what we put into our bodies and how we treat our bodies and I hope I can keep the motivation going :) x

So tomorrow on the agenda we have a 7am laughter conference call followed by a healthy breakfast and maybe a little excersise if my fibromyalgia allows.

back soon with an update

Amanda xx